In 2005, Anna Porse Nielsen, CEO of Seismonaut, co-authored the first Danish book about experience economy. The book, Følelsesfabrikken, stated that experiences would define a new era of value creation across all industries. We also started helping the cultural sector, museums, and tourist destinations boost awareness about user experiences and value creation.
When social media arrived, everyone rushed to establish omnichannel digital presence. Naturally this caused a tsunami of content, and it became clear that digital presence required a content strategy. We helped businesses and organisations understand the dynamics of digital communities and digital behaviour.
During the 2010’s we started investigating commercial barriers and business potentials within the creative industries. To this day, we are still helping the creative industries to speak the language of business.
In the slipstream of social media there arose a huge shift in commerce, entertainment, public services, finance, and everything in between. It all moved into the little black box called the smartphone. In this chaotic transition, our mission was to keep calm and focus on the value creation - for the users and for the businesses.
Today, experiences have become omnipresent. Every CEO knows that experiences are vital for the company’s brand and customer relations. We are helping our clients to extract experience-based innovation from the mines of creativity -
i.e. games, films, e-sport, XR, animation, music, design, and architecture and the cultural sector.
After the heydays of digitalisation, came the hangovers. In the late 2010’s it was evident that Big Tech was overturning our democracies, our privacy, our markets, and our social cohesion. Now we are helping our clients to use data and technology in constructive ways, that empower human individuals and respond to actual needs.
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