For the past four consecutive years, we have analysed the visitors at Danish Museums. We have dived into both their reasons for visiting museums as well as their experiences and thoughts about their visit(s).
Museums - like all other attractions dependent on guests - have a need for more knowledge about their visitors. They require foresight from their users in order to be able to accommodate the existing guests at a higher level and to be able to develop new and exciting offers in order to attract the types of people who don’t visit museums. Finding out what works and doesn’t work is a great starting point for developing even better experiences – now and in the future.
We collect large amounts of data based on both quantitative and qualitative methods. The insights gained from the data are analyzed and communicated to the museums as input into their decision-making, innovation, and business development. The conclusions from the analysis are also communicated to the Ministry of Culture, politicians as well as educational institutes. The study is conducted in cooperation with the consultancy Rambøll Management Consulting. The report (Den nationale brugerundersøgelse) from 2019 as well as from previous years is available here.
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