The ever-changing digital youth culture

The Media Council classifies films and games for children under the age of 15. However new types of digital media call for new perspectives and approaches.

The challenge

Empowering Digital Youth

Historically, The Media Council (Medierådet for børn og unge) is tasked with recommending suitable age groups for films and games for children under the age of 15. Recently, The Media Council has also been given the task of disseminating knowledge and materials about children and young people’s use of digital media as well as guidance targeted at children themselves. But, in an ever-changing world, it is a challenge to keep up with changing digital possibilities and the youth culture living with them. Consequently, The Media Council needed advice in order to update and rethink its profile and value proposition.

Want to learn more about making experiences matter?

Anna Porse Nielsen
+45 50 51 52 25

The solution

Prepare for the digital future

We examined the use of digital media among today’s youths by way of a survey amongst parents. Furthermore, we interviewed experts, teachers and young people about their habits and needs. By mixing these insights with our knowledge about youth culture and digital development we helped The Media Council develop a strong value proposition as well as a clear profile. This helped the Media Council prepare for an increasingly complex digital future.

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