A library offers more than one may consider. The annual data on book loans only tell a small story about how public libraries are needed, and what their importance is to users. To find the true significance of what libraries offer we need to investigate deeper.
The success of public libraries is often measured on parameters such as loans and statistics on visitors. This data may give us insight into how often libraries are used, but not the value they have on communities and individuals. We teamed up with Roskilde Central Library (Roskilde Bibliotekerne) to help with broadening the perspective on libraries and offered a new language on how we talk about the actual value a library has.
The analysis set out to examine architectural quality in cultural buildings. Among other factors, quality was measured in how the construction is developed and how activities and facilities interact. Our analysis led us to five trends – each with its own take on the importance of culture and people in architecture.
With the trend analysis, the foundation wants to inspire and share what works when talking about cultural buildings that matter – to people and to society.
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